We are a trusted creative partner for agencies, brands and marketers transforming strategy into real-world, live and digital encounters with brands.

Our multidisciplinary experts, designers, creators, strategists and producers leverage the power of face-to-face engagement to drive brand awareness, trial, growth and loyalty.


A few months into the pandemic and subsequent economic downturn, conventional wisdom advised businesses to hunker down with a wait-and-see attitude, hoping for a “return to normal.”

Agency veteran and founder Bryan Duffy saw things a bit differently.  As market conditions remained volatile, industries shifted, consumer behavior evolved, and technology continued to move at breakneck speed, he sensed there would be no return to normal in this new economy.

With 20 years of agency experience and his finger on the pulse, Duff (as he’s known) understood all too well the challenges of the large, holding company agency model.  The entrepreneurial spirit was languishing. Agencies were slow to move. Significant overhead impacted project fee structures. Clients wanted more for less. And employees wanted to be inspired, independent, and do meaningful work.

A former collegiate athlete, a coach, a father, and a community connector, Duff and team reimagined the brand engagement agency.

BOOM Ventures was born in the most unpredictable of times, meeting the need for a more agile/nimble, independent agency.  Leveraging his vast network, he formed a collective of agencies with a passion for creativity and a willingness to collaborate on projects. He recruited talent from coast to coast, bringing together diverse voices and perspectives to the table with a common goal to get brands noticed.

Today BOOM Ventures is a new-era, brand engagement agency whose purpose is to help brands form deeper, more relevant relationships with consumers and B2B audiences— at the retail store, on the field, at the sporting event, the tradeshow, the concert, the meeting/conference, the virtual world, and any of the variety of other places where real-world connections are being made — usually at the intersection of culture and commerce.

Duff continues to oversee all agency operations, cultivating and expanding his network, and guest lecturing, all while maintaining and evolving as a thought leader in the experiential space and a business and brand builder. 

If you want to understand the BOOM ethos, read our manifesto.



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No one ever said there was one way to do it.
We explore ways to create connections that are energized, fun, and driven by data and insights. We pay attention and we’re constantly learning.


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We’re in it to make a difference, to make some noise, to make brands connect to consumers’ lives. That means the places and spaces we show up are just as important as the execution. We’re smart about where, when, and how.


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We all benefit when we collaborate. This means clients often sit at the brainstorming table. And we seek out diverse voices and perspectives. Then we work towards a common vision — TOGETHER.


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Whether it’s rejecting the monotony of business-as-usual solutions or going the extra mile on a last-minute update that makes the creative sing, we aren’t afraid to shake things up. We understand that successful brands are multi-channel, so we think holistically and multi-dimensionally.


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If the old ways aren’t working, then it’s time to change it up. We embrace opportunities to do things differently. To stand out.


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The passion consumers have for a brand can be cultivated, nurtured, encouraged, and experienced. It can also be expanded and measured. So we aim for true love.